Sparkways is the new name for longstanding non-profit TRY Australia. Its services are focused on three key areas: childcare and kindergartens, mentoring for youth, and social enterprise. The organisationâs goal is to create foundations for thriving communities by supporting Victoriaâs children and young people.
A legacy stuck in the past
Previously TRY Australia used multiple websites to host different services, fragmenting its audience and negatively impacting SEO rankings.
To improve the effectiveness of their core message, TRY Australia needed to unify their main services and consolidate them into one website. As part of this shift, TRY needed a new identity that reflected its aspirations for the future. Before a new website could be designed, a new name and logo had to be established in line with a new strategy.

Reinvigorating a historically significant brand
To determine what structure, features, and content would work best for the new Sparkways website, Yump conducted a best practice review, analytics audit, and a stakeholder workshop.
Key insights included a high percentage of users visiting the mobile site and a reliance on the âFind a Kindergartenâ function. We applied our research to create a new site design that simplified use on the go and prioritised a childcare centre locator.

Helping 90% more people find what they need
Since launch, the new Sparkways website has seen a dramatic 90% increase in users, a 34% increase in sessions, and a 16% decrease in bounce rate when compared to the same period the year before.
This positive change is bolstered due to users primarily navigating to the âcareersâ, âfind a childcare centreâ, and âmentoringâ pages â a perfect alignment with Sparkwaysâ goal to better engage with job seekers, parents, and mentees.